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Calendar March 22, 2018 03/22/18 AuthorBy Subscription Box Mom Comments 0 Comments 0

Limited Edition Hot Wheels ‘Challenge Accepted’ Pley March 2018 Review + Coupon

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Pley has a new limited edition box from Pley, Hot Wheels! 

Calendar May 5, 2017 05/05/17 AuthorBy Subscription Box Mom Comments 0 Comments 0

Smartass & Sass May 2017 Spoilers + $5 Coupon

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Smartass & Sass has released some spoilers for the May 2017 subscription box.  

Calendar August 26, 2016 08/26/16 AuthorBy Subscription Box Mom Comments 0 Comments 0

Bulu Box $20 OFF 6 Months of Bulu Box + Free 15 Day Cleanse

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Bulu Box is offering a great subscription deal with a free gift.  

Calendar September 7, 2014 09/07/14 AuthorBy Subscription Box Mom Comments 0 Comments 0

BlushBox Teaser Box September 2014 Review + Coupon – Adult Subscription Box

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links Note: This box contains subject matter of an intimate, adult nature. BlushBox, is dedicated to helping you embrace your sexy side in a classy, fun and stylish way.  With each of the BlushBox subscriptions, They’ll send you a curated BlushBox that combines fun and fashionable with sensual and sultry surprises to keep you up-to-date on the hottest trends and transform your intimate lifestyle.  Their brands are selected from trusted partners and they work closely with manufacturers to ensure each BlushBox is filled with quality and stylish finds.  The BlushBox Teaser Box is $27.00 a month and you get 3-5 full-sized & sample-sized sexy products.

Calendar June 14, 2014 06/14/14 AuthorBy Subscription Box Mom Comments 0 Comments 0

Orange Glad June 2014 Review + Discount

Orange Glad, who sent this box for review, is a desert/sweet subscription box.  You can get one box for $15.00 and each box is filled with yummy deserts and treats.  If you don’t want to share your goodies, you can double the treats for only $12.00 more!  You won’t get a Kit Kat bar in this box.  You only get the best deluxe deserts Orange Glad can find.  While I am normally a salt girl, I can’t resist a good desert.

Calendar February 13, 2014 02/13/14 AuthorBy Subscription Box Mom Comments 0 Comments 0

Rocks Box #7 Review-$10.00 Discount and Changes

This post contains referral links RocksBox send 3 pieces of jewelry for $19.00 a month.  You wear the pieces and then send them back for new pieces.  You fill out a style survey, so RocksBox knows more about you.  Each time you get a box, you get a return shipping pouch (Free shipping all the time), 3 pieces of jewelry and a paper listing you pieces, plus a place to give your feedback about your items.  If you happen to loose your survey, no worries.  You can give you feedback online.  If you decide you love one of the pieces in your box, and you want to buy it, you can purchase it for 20% off retail.  When you send back your pieces you don’t want, RocksBox will simple charge you for the piece you kept.  You can send items back as fast as you want.  You could get 3 pieces on Monday and have them back in the mail Tuesday!  If you want to try it out, you can sign up HERE and save $10.00 on your first box! Rocks Box recently changed their shipping packaging.  They now ship in a thinner mailer bag with the Rocks Box logo on it.  I like their new packaging, and it looks more professional.

Calendar December 3, 2013 12/03/13 AuthorBy Subscription Box Mom Comments 3 Comments 3

MunchPak Review and Discount

MunchPak is a new snack subscription box.  MunchPak sent me this box for review.  Munchpak is not a healthy snack box.  It is just an assortment of some of the best snacks.  I do not eat super , it was healthy and when I want a snack, I grab chips or something sweet.  Munchpak says ” Let’s face it; even those who claim to be on strict diets are guilty of sneaking in their favorite brand of potato chips or candy bar from time to time. Our goal is to provide you with new things to munch on every month. We send it you all packed up and ready to eat. Call it a MunchPak, if you will.”  Seriously, this is my new favorite snack box.

Calendar October 2, 2013 10/02/13 AuthorBy Subscription Box Mom Comments 0 Comments 0

3 Totally Unique Subscriptions

 I love finding new and unique subscription boxes.  I have found three totally unique subscription boxes. 1.  Put This On Gentlemen’s Association $45.00 every 2 months.  Every other month, you get a pocket square, that is hand made in Los Angeles.  Each piece of fabric is picked out by Jesse Thorn (from Put This On) 2.  She Hit Pause Studios $25.00 a quarter.  Each quarter you get a 4×5 signed Poloroid that has been transferred and matted on a 8×10.  3.  Pen Pop Press Subscription $15.00 a month.  Each month you will get one vintage magazine and envelope of ephemera containing related photos, postcards, and pamphlets and a brief newsletter from Pen Pop Press.  Each month will get a magazine from the month of September, but it may be from 1974 or 1954.   There are 3 subscriptions: Kooky Aunt-Magazines geared toward women Cranky Uncle-Magazines geared toward men. Digital Digest: an online version of the best of that month’s articles, ads, and graphics  What do you think?  Pen Pop Press looks kinda cool.  Do you know of another totally unique subscription box?

Calendar September 30, 2013 09/30/13 AuthorBy Subscription Box Mom Comments 0 Comments 0

Doteable Mini Duffel Box Review

I was excited when Doteable agreed to send me one of their Mini Dorm Duffel boxes for review.  Doteable (incorporated as Wake Up and Smell the Internet), send care packages full of the essentials to college students, or anyone who could use a box full of necessities.

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