I have been wanting my husband to find the right box for him to subscribe to. C had watched several videos of the Ashton Kutcher A+ Fancy Box and decided to sign up. Details: Cost: $39.00 a month. Use FOLLOWUP10 to save 10% on your first box. What is in the box? You get more than $80.00 worth of items every month. Each box is curated by Ashton Kutcher. When will I get my 1st box? “Orders placed before the 12th of the calendar month will ship on the 15th of the same month. Orders placed after the 12th of the calendar month will ship on the 15th of the following calendar month.” When am I billed? You are billed the same day every month that you order. If your order Sept 2nd, you will be billed in Oct on Oct 2nd. Shipment: The Ashton Kutcher Fancy box is shipped by Fed Ex First Look The box contents were shipped in a large box with lots of packing material. There was an envelope with a return shipment label. I have found out since that you can’t return the subscription boxes. I am not sure why it was included in the box. There was also a couple of Fancy stickers. Box Items This is how all the items were packaged at the bottom of the box. Two Tone Woven Cotton Belt by Men in Cities $40.00 This belt comes in green, grey, beige and black. C was not a fan of the green. He would have loved the grey, beige or black. Ashton Says “Let loose and still look stylish. This belt’ll keep your secret if your waistline needs a bit more space at dinner. Neon Rim Frames by Isaac Jacobs $15.00 C liked this and plans to put it onContinue Reading