Bluum is $24.99 a month and each month you get a box of toys, personal items and snacks for the age and stage of your child. Bluum used to have themes every month, but they recently changed it. I am glad for the changes because the Bluum themes never matched the contents. My box is for a 23 month old boy. Bluum ships by USPS and ships in the same kind of box every month. First Look: I like the new information cards, they are bright and colorful. You are still sent a email with the box contents, after your box arrives.
I was really excited to see what was in my Bluum box this month. This was for T and was the theme Lil Artist (18 months). Bluum curates their boxes by theme. So every 18 month old will get Lil Artist, but not everyone will get the same things in their Lil Artist boxes. I haven’t totally figured out their method yet, but I have only gotten 1 duplicate, and that was the fig bars this month.