Disclosure: This package was received free for review. This post contains affiliate links.
Guest Review Alert- Gigi! I suppose the May RawSpiceBar review I did was a success – so Erin asked me to do another one for June – and of course I said yes! I like to cook homemade, fresh dinners at least a few times a week and I was excited to see this month’s selection!
RawSpiceBar is a spice subscription box and costs $6.00/month. They source high-quality, whole spices. Every month you get 3-4 premium blended spices and coordinating recipes, enough to make 3 separate dishes serving 8-12 people. Each month spotlights a different region of the world. Continue Reading …
Disclosure: This package was received free for review. This post contains affiliate links.
Guest Review Alert- Gigi! I was pretty excited when Erin asked me if I wanted to review one of her boxes.. I’ve been bugging her for a while to do a “guest review”.. Maggie (my Golden Retriever) has been featured in several pet box reviews and I was anxious to do one of my own. I frequently cook homemade dinners for my family, so this month’s RawSpiceBar seemed like a good choice.
RawSpiceBar is a spice subscription box and costs $6.00/month. They source high-quality, whole spices. Every month you get 3-4 premium blended spices and coordinating recipes, enough to make 3 separate dishes serving 8-12 people. Each month spotlights a different region of the world. Continue Reading …
Disclosure: This package was received free for review. This post contains affiliate links.
RawSpiceBar is a spice subscription box, that is only $6.00/month. Every month you get 3-4 premium spices and coordinating recipes every month. Continue Reading …
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links
RawSpiceBar is a really unique kitchen/food subscription box. Every month you get 3-4 premium spices and coordinating recipes every month. Each month features a different region. Each spice, contains 2-3 ounces and there is enough to make 3 separate dishes serving 8-12 people. At $6.00/month, it’s is also one of the cheapest subscriptions. Continue Reading …
Disclosure: This box was received free for review. This post contains affiliate links.
RawSpiceBar sends premium spices and coordinating recipes every month. I really enjoyed my first review last month, so I was happy to see the February box show up. RawSpiceBar sends 3-4 expertly blended spices from a different region. Each spice, contains 2-3 ounces and there is enough to make 3 separate dishes serving 8-12 people. Continue Reading …
Disclosure: I received this subscription for review purposes. This post contains affiliate links.
January 2015 RawSpiceBar Review
RawSpiceBar is a premium spice subscription box. Each month, you get 3-4 expertly blended spices from a different region. Each spice, contains 2-3 ounces and there is enough to make 3 separate dishes serving 8-12 people. I hate going to the store and buying a jar of spices, only to use it once. I was really interested to see what RawSpiceBar would send. Continue Reading …