Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I received this box for review.
Think Outside is an outdoor subscription box full of outdoor gear and resources that will get your kids away from a screen and outside exploring nature!
Boxes are $39.95/month and are designed for children 7 and up. Each box comes with 3 to 5 pieces of quality outdoor gear, water-resistant resource cards, a 24+ page educational booklet, hands-on activities, and challenges to do as a family. Each month, the box will be a different theme, like nutrition, navigation, wildlife, and more.
The Details
Cost: $39.95/month
What’s in the box? Each box comes with 3 to 5 pieces of quality outdoor gear, water-resistant resource cards, a 24+ page educational booklet, hands-on activities, and challenges to do as a family.
Coupon: Use the code HOLIDAY40 to get 40% off your intro box.
I receved the box “water” for review
First Look
The theme for this box is “water”.
5L Dry Bag
If you have items you want to keep dry or wet, you want to keep them separate from your dry items. The bag is lightweight and closes by rolling the neck over three times and fastening it with the buckle.
Waterproof Pouch
We love to spend a day at the lake, and these waterproof pouches come in handy. You can put your wallet, phone, or keys in these to keep them safe from the water. You can take pictures and use your phone while it’s inside the case.
Fishing Kit
This little kit contains the necessities for going fishing. The kit contains a fishing line, hooks, and a sinker. All the items fit inside the case and have a carabiner to clip to your backpack.
Resource Cards
Each box contains a set of resource cards. There were several cards in the box that covered the same themes as is in the book.
The box comes with a calendar with things to do all month. This box was sent in September, that’s why it’s dated a past month. Your calendar will be correct in your box.
Final Thought: My boys, especially my 11-year-old, enjoyed this box. Both of my boys love the outdoors, so they had fun exploring this box. This box encourages children to get outdoors, put down the technology, and learn new skills. Use the code HOLIDAY40 to get 40% off your intro box.
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