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December 2019 Popsugar Must Have Box Coupon – Save $25

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I received a commission from my links.

POPSUGAR has released a coupon for the winter box!

Boxes are $75.00/quarter and filled with 6 or more “must have items”, worth over $250.  You will get items like makeup, snacks, items for your home, jewelry and more.

 Save $25.00 on your box when you use the code GIFT19.

The Details

Cost: Quarterly $75.00

Yearly $270.00

CouponSave $25.00 on your box when you use the code GIFT19.

Shipping: Popsugar only ships to the United States

What’s in the box? Boxes will contain 6 or more “must have items” products worth over $250.  From Popsugar “Limited Edition boxes as our template and provide a range of higher-valued products and fine brands covering beauty, fashion, and home.”

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