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Home » Subscription Box Reviews » Faith Based Subscriptions » Loved & Blessed August 2019 Review + Coupon
Calendar August 11, 2019 08/11/19 AuthorBy Subscription Box Mom Comments 0 Comments 0

Loved & Blessed August 2019 Review + Coupon

Loved & Blessed August 2019 Review. Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I received this box for review

Loved & Blessed August 2019 Review

Loved + Blessed is a Christian subscription box.Boxes are $25.00/month and are filled with products and scriptures, to remind women to rely on God fully. Each box comes with a box of encouragement, a blog article, a 4 week life application workbook, 4 video lessons, online fellowship in their private community, and access to their membership library of past videos and workbooks

This is the Loved & Blessed August 2019 review.

The Details

Cost: $25.00/month, 3 Month Subscription – $60 ($15 savings)

What’s in the box? Each box comes with a box of encouragement, a blog article, a 4 week life application workbook, 4 video lessons, online fellowship in their private community, and access to their membership library of past videos and workbooks

CouponGet $5.00 off with the code SUBMOM5.

When will I get my box?  Boxes ship monthly on the 21st of the month.

How do I cancel? Just send an email to [email protected] or submit a note through the Contact Us page (on their website) and they’ll respond within 24-48 hours with a cancellation email confirmation.

Loved & Blessed August 2019 Review

Loved + Blessed box ships in a hot pink box.

Loved & Blessed August 2019 Review

First Look

Loved & Blessed August 2019 Review

The theme for August is “Flourish”.

Loved & Blessed August 2019 Review

The items were wrapped in pink tissue paper and sealed with a sticker that says “You are meant to flourish”.

Loved & Blessed August 2019 Review

The information card gives details about the theme of the box. The back has a list of the items in the box.

Loved & Blessed August 2019 Review

You can access more information on the website with the link and password.

You can access the following items online:

-a blog article
-a 4 week life application workbook
-4 video lessons
-online fellowship in their private community
-access to their membership library of past videos and workbooks

Loved & Blessed August 2019 Review

You can go to an upcoming conference in Inglewood, Ca.

Loved & Blessed August 2019 Review

he back says “Bloom where you are planted”. I always put my prints in a 5X7 frame I keep on my desk.

The Sticker: The sticker says “Thrive”. I keep my stickers in a journal by m

The Print: The 5×7 print this month lists the quote “Bloom and Repeat” Ty bed.

Scripture Card:  The scripture card this month is from Psalms 1:1-3 “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither, whatever they do prospers.”


Keychain Loved and Blessed included the keychain to hold your keys that “remind you of the places in your life you want to flourish”.

Encouragement Kit

Encouragement Kit Loved + Blessed often sends little encouragement kits in boxes. You can give this to someone to brighten their day. You can give it to someone you know, or leave it for a stranger. There is a scripture card in the envelope from Esther 4:14 that says “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.

Loved & Blessed August 2019 Review

Final Thought: The keychain was my favorite item in the box and I will use it for my camper keys. To try Loved + Blessed, use this link, and get $5.00 off with the code SUBMOM5.

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This entry was posted in Faith Based Subscriptions, Loved + Blessed Reviews, Subscription Box Reviews and tagged: on Sunday, August 11th, 2019 by Subscription Box Mom

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