Variety Fun “Fun Box” June 2019 Review + Coupon
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I received this box for review.

Variety Fun “Fun Box” June 2019 Review
Variety Fun is a snack subscription box. They offer two subscriptions, a “Fun” box, and a “Fit” box. The “Fun” box is $24.99/month and includes chips, cookies, candy, crackers, pretzels, popcorn, & nuts. The box will include brands like Lay’s, Cheez-It, m&m Cookies, Sour Patch & More! The “Fit” box is $39.99/box and includes premium healthy options including Kettle Chips, Think Jerky, Skinny Pop, Lara Bars, RX Bars and more!
The Details
Cost: “Fun” Box $24.99, “Fit” Box $39.99
What’s in the box? Each box contains a variety of snacks.
Coupon: Get 30% off your first order with code SBM30.
Variety Fun ships in a huge box.
First Look
Planters Salted Peanuts You don’t need to be at the ballpark to enjoy these snacks. My husband really enjoys peanuts, but he saves them for work, so we don’t eat them around our son.
Mott’s Fruit Snacks My kids love fruit snacks, but especially Mott’s. My oldest requests just the Mott’s, so he was thrilled to see these in the box.
Cheez-It’s I love Cheez-It’s and have since college. The white cheddar crackers are my favorite ones. I have never seen these scrabble junior crackers before but I really want to play with them. We got two bags, so each of my kids get a bag.
Grandma’s Cookies I don’t know if I have ever had these before, but they are amazing! We received Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter, and Chocolate Brownie. Each of the cookies is so rich and soft!
Frito-Lay Chips Lay’s Barbecue chips are my 9 year old’s favorite chips and my youngest loves Doritos Cool Ranch. I don’t like buying full bags of chips, because my kids never go through them.
Popchips Barbeque Chips These are light chips, never fried chip with a tasty barbeque flavor. They have 100 calories, gluten-free and non-gmo.
PopCorners Kettle Corn Popped-Corn Snack Our family loves anything popcorn, even these Popcorners chips. These taste like kettle corn in a chip form.
Rice Krispie Treats I love these things! Making them from scratch is messy and creates more dirty dishes. These are already made and so good. My oldest hates them, so the other three of us will enjoy these.
Airheads My boys love these. They went to a day camp this summer and wanted to get one every day. We received watermelon, orange and blue raspberry.
Keebler Elfin Crackers + Chips Deluxe I haven’t had the elf cookies, but they seem to a basic sweet cookie. The chips deluxe were a favorite of mine growing up and I haven’t had them in years.
Wise Chips Cheez Doodles are similar to Cheetos Puffs but with a slightly different cheesy flavor. The Honey BBQ chips will go to my husband, he loves BBQ chips.
Goldfish Cheddar Crackers These are classic kid snacks. My kids like goldfish and these are great for a quick snack.
Austin Animal Crackers I love eating animal crackers, because it’s fun to play, “find the missing head to the zebra”.
Andy Capp’s Hot Fries Hot Fries are another popular snack from my childhood. These will be mine because my family doesn’t love hot snacks.
Keebler M & M Cookies I actually am not sure the difference between these and the chips deluxe cookies, but they are both tasty. Anything with M & Ms are usually good.
Metro Deli Kettle Cooked Hickory Barbeque Chips My husband was glad to see so many barbeque chips in the box. These are kettle cooked gluten free and trans fat-free.
Quacker Chewy Granola Bars We received two peanut butter chocolate chip bars and a chocolate bar. My husband loved the peanut butter one!
Nekot Lemon Creme I thought these were crackers are first but they are sweet cookies with lemon creme in the middle.
Toast Chee Spicy Cheddar I remember these crackers from when I was little, but I haven’t had the spicy cheddar crackers before. These look great.
MySuperCookies Chocolate Heroes These cookies are organic, made in a nut-free facility, and contains quinoa and chia.
Cooper Street Granola Cookie Bakes – Blueberry Pomegranate This is a healthy bar and is made with chia, flax, rolled oats, buckwheat and Michigan blueberries.
Mrs. Thinsters Cookie Thins When you are craving sweets, but don’t want to ruin your diet, grab these. These are free from artificial flavors, corn syrup and are non-gmo.
Oreos Oreos are a family favorite! I am sure we will all share these cookies.
Final Thought: This box was packed with so many snacks. It’s one of the largest snack subscription boxes that I have reviewed. This would be a great box to get for school lunches or quick snacks. You don’t have to buy full boxes of several different snacks, just grab this subscription. I received 40 snacks in total this month. Get 30% off your first order with code SBM30.
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