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Crate of Good Spring 2019 Review – Social Impact Subscription

Disclosure: I received this box for review.

Crate of Good Spring 2019 Review

Crate of Good is a quarterly subscription, themed around social impact. Boxes are $59.99/quarter and contain products that have a powerful social impact. You may receive clothing items, food, accessories, exclusive items, and accessories. When you sign up, you also choose a social cause to give part of the profits to. You can choose between animals, children, the environment, or poverty.

The Details

Cost: $59.99/quarter, $239.96

What’s in the box? Boxes contain products that have a powerful social impact. You may receive clothing items, food, accessories, exclusive items, and accessories.

Crate of Good ships in a pretty teal box.

First Look. There was a welcome letter when you open the box. On top of the box, there was a welcome note about the box. I didn’t take a picture of the sticker, but the tissue paper was sealed with a sticker that said “a tree is planted for every box sold. Each product comes with an information card with the organization that benefits from each product.

Ele’s Place Long Sleeve Shirt $20.00 Ele’s Place is a nonprofit organization that brings awareness and support for grieving children and their families. They have peer support programs and they help children cope with the loss of a parent, sibling and any other closer person.

The front of the shirt has the Ele’s Place logo with their moto. The sleeve has the #crateofgood hashtag.

The back of the shirt has a picture drawn by one of the children who went through the program. The picture shows a family with the sun shining, symbolizing the child being happy.

Lockwood Animal Rescue Beanie $ 10.00 est This beanie benefits the Lockwood Animal Rescue, which is a rescue center for wolves, wolfdogs, coyotes and other animals. Veterans come to help care for the animals and have a place to heal. The purchase of the beanie helps provide rescue animals with essential vitamins and supplements.

This is my new favorite beanie. It’s so cold where I live and this really keeps my head warm. I have to wait outside to pick up my kids and this hat has helped make the weather bearable. My son grabbed it today to go running in. I actually need two of these!

Hand In Hand Frosted Pine Bar Soap $6.00 Hand in Hand works with “My Neighbor’s Children”, an advocacy group to give people soap and clean water. They will help repair wells, so their efforts aren’t just temporary. They have already given out 1 million bars of soap and built/repaired four wells.

The soap is a typical white bar of soap, so I didn’t take it out of the wrapper. The bar is 7oz and is 98% natural. It’s also free from palm oil. The smell is very sweet with a slight smell of pine. It has a nice clean smell and I love it!

Blue Planet Eyewear Being fashionable doesn’t mean you have to be wasteful. Blue Planet Eyewear makes glasses from reclaimed metals and recycled plastics. They also use natural materials like bamboo and wood.

The glasses came in a burlap lined pouch.

Watson Glasses $25.00 (on sale from $35.00) These are made with all recycled plastic and metals. They have Cat. 3 1.1mm Polarized lens and 100% UVA/UVB protection. The frames are all plastic, except for the metal screws. They fit comfortably on my face without slipping on my nose.

BUILD – Broader Urban Involvement & Leadership Development BUILD is based out of Chicago and is an organization that works with gang intervention, youth development, and violence prevention. BUILD works with kids in the most needed areas of Chicago, giving them positive after-school activities.

Beaded Bracelet $20.00 One of the after-school activities is the art program. The kids make bracelets like the one above and BUILD sells them to support the program. This bracelet was made by Damariyon, age 15.

The bracelet has three wooden beads with a gold bead in between. The bracelet stretches, so it can accommodate anyone’s wrist.

Final Thought: This box had a total value of around $81.00. I estimated the cost on the hat and shirt, but I think my prices are reasonable. I really loved this box. I love getting subscription boxes that give back and each of these products gives to a different organization. If you want to subscribe, you can use my code subboxmom and give a portion of the profits to children. This quarter, the money is going to provide meals to at-risk youth in inner-city Chicago for their after-school camp program.

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