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Pennie Post March 2018 Review

Disclosure: This subscription was received for review.

Pennie Post March 2018 Review

Pennie Post is a stationary subscription box. Subscriptions are $11.83/month and come with at least three stationary items each month. You may receive greeting cards, postcards, note cards, gift tags, or birthday and thank you cards. I love hand written cards.  Today, everything is electronic: games, t.v, and email.  Nothing can replace the sentiment of a written note.  I love sending hand written cards,  In college, I was corresponding secretary and I was in charge of sending out thank you notes and invitations in my sorority.  

The Details:

Cost: $11.83/month

What’s in the box? You will receive at least three stationary items each month. You may receive greeting cards, postcards, note cards, gift tags, or birthday and thank you cards.

When do boxes ship? For all subscription orders placed before the first day of every month orders will be shipped out within the first 7 days of that month. New subscriptions placed after the first of every month will ship out within 4 business days if stock is available. Orders placed after the 15th of the month will receive the subscription for the following month.

Can you skip a month? If you need to skip a month for whatever reason please email us at before the first of the month.


Everything came in a little blue envelope.

There was an information sheet with everything in the box.

Bunny Card and 3 Bunny Stickers Bunnies are a great symbol for spring, or they could be used for Easter.  Note, this review is a bit late, as this came before Easter. I am going to use the stickers to attach notes for my kids at school.

Happy Birthday Rainbow Card This is such a bright and fun card. It’s great for one of these birthdays in your child’s class, or save it for someone else’s birthday.

Floral Card This card is a bit smaller than the others, but beautiful nonetheless. I love all the bright colors on the card and it would go great with a bouquet of flowers for that special person.

Final Thought: This box was so cute! Each of the cards are made with a nice thick cardstock, so you won’t be getting cheaply made cards. I love the rainbow card the most, but I really enjoyed everything in the box. If you want to try Pennie Post, just use this link.

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