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December 2017 1Up Box Theme Spoilers + Coupon

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December 2017 1Up Box Theme Spoilers

Theme spoilers have been released for the December 2017 1Up Box. 1Up Box is a geek and gamer box that is affordable and sends a cool selection of geek and gamer items.1Up Box includes something remarkable. something creative, and something unique.  Each month, 1Up Box will send 4-6 items for $19.92/month ($12.92 + $7.00 s +h).

The theme for December is “Mystery”.

There will be lots of mystery that needs to be solved. Mystery is the theme for this month’s box! It will include an awesome item from Gotham. The best team and their dog will be driving around solving all the mysteries and uncovering the truth! They will be making their way to Oregon where the infamous mystery shack lies. It will also include an exclusive t-shirt, gaming gear, and much MORE! Who will be joining the mystery?

If you are interested in trying 1Up Box, click HERE and use the code AWESOME remember it’s only $9.92!


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