Tinker Crate June 2017 Review + $10.00 Coupon
Tinker Crate June 2017 Review. Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.

Tinker Crate is a box for older kids (9-14+) that focuses on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). Tinker Crate inspires kids to explore and learn about science, engineering, and technology and have fun doing it. Every month, you get a new crate to help kids develop a tinkering mindset and creative problem solving skills. Tinker Crate is $19.95/month, but you can get your first box of Tinker Crate for 40% off. Just use these link with the code BOXMOM40.
Tinker Crate ships in an orange box.
First Look
Tinker Crate sends a little magazine every month, filled with information about this month’s theme and various projects you can do. This month’s theme is “Soda Science”.
This is a look at some of the topics and articles in the box.
The instructions unfold to reveal the included materials. The only thing you need for this month’s box is water.
The instructions were broken down into four parts:
- Build Your Launcher
- Build Your Rocket
- Build Your Funnel
- Make the Launch Mixture.
The back of the paper gave tips to make your rocket launch well.
Build your launcher The first step was to build the launcher for the rocket. This was a pretty easy step, except for the stopper, that was a bit tricky.
The base was very sturdy, so your rocket can launch high in the air.
Build your rocket The actual rocket came together pretty quickly. My son only need help taping on the fins.
Adding the foam cone to the rocket.
Make the launch mixture There were two large packets of citric acid and baking soda. More than enough for several launches. The mixture consisted of two scoops of citric acid and two scoops of baking soda. To launch the rocket, add one scoop of mixture.
Setting Off The Rocket
Watch the video below and check out our rocket launch.
Final Thought: My son really loved this box and I am glad I subscribed. He is young for the box, but he was able to do most of the project himself. Tinker Crate is a great box to teach STEM to kids. You can subscribe to Tinker Crate or any of the other Kiwi Crate brands and get 40% off your 1st box, just use the code BOXMOM40.
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