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Mine Chest May 2017 Minecraft Review + Coupon

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Mine Chest May 2017 Minecraft Review

Mine Chest is a new Official Minecraft subscription box.  Boxes are $29.99/month and filled with exclusive merchandise, t-shirts, toys and more. Each month comes with an exclusive shirt, along with Minecraft Toys, Collectibles, Minecraft DIY Crafting Recipes, and exclusive Minecraft items available to Mine Chest subscribers first! My son loves Minecraft, so we picked up a 6 month subscription.

The Details:

Cost: $29.99/month

Coupon: To subscribe, use this link with the code SAVE10 to save 10% on your 1st box.

Shipping: US $7.00, Canada $15.00, $20.00 International

This Mine Chest box arrived super late, over a month.  I am disappointed that this subscription continues to have shipping delays.

First Look

The theme for this month is “Plains”.

The back of the information card gives more information about the Minecraft journey.

T-Shirt The t-shirt this month has a plains landscape with a tree on top and a sheep nearby. It’s not the coolest shirt they have sent, but it’s not bad, My 8 year old son still liked it.

Stamp and Ink Pad The stamp this month is grass, and it comes with a green ink pad.

This is a better look at the stamp.

Foam Grass This was the weirdest thing in the box. It’s two pieces of foam that fit together to form grass. It’s really cheap and according to my son, “kinda lame”.

Sunflower Sticker The sticker in this month’s box, was a Minecraft sunflower.

Blue Sheep This tiny plush didn’t impress my son at first, but as soon as he got it opened, he loved it.

Horse Pin I love Minecraft horses, and I like the style of this pin. My son usually put his pins on his Minecraft backpack.

Final Thought: This box was a disappointment with my son, and me. The shirt and plush were my son’s favorite items in the box. Mine Chest really needs to step it up and get the July box out on time. To subscribe, use this link with the code SAVE10 to save 10% on your 1st box.

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