Cornucopia The Nourish Package Review
Disclosure: I received this box for review.

Cornucopia The Nourish Package Review
Cornucopia is a holistic company that focuses on nourishing the body, mind, and spirit. Cornucopia has a range of gift boxes for people battling cancer. Boxes start at $30, and each box is designed to comfort, support and uplift your loved one as they fight their battle against cancer. Boxes are one time only boxes, so this is not a typical subscription service.
I was sent the Nourish Package for review, which is $65.00. This is the description for the box: This package will nourish the body, inside and out. It is perfect for any cancer fighter, whether they have just been diagnosed, are fighting through the toughest parts, or are nearing the end of treatment and need a final boost to get them to the finish line! Don’t forget about the cancer survivors in your life who would appreciate a non-toxic, organic, nourishing care package to help them stay on track. Adorned with dried lavender, they will be greeted with a calming aroma as they open this package, letting them know this is truly a special gift.
“The experience of tender loving care begins with the initial opening of the Nourishment Package. Carefully wrapped and prepared, each self-care item intentionally included in this gift is designed to relieve stress, promote healing and add comfort to the life of someone going through cancer treatment or facing a new diagnosis.” – Dr. Emily, Naturopathic Doctor
Everything shipped in a Priority Mail box.
First Look. The box smelled just like lavender when I opened the box.
There was a welcome card with a handwritten message.
The back of the card has information about the product in the box.
Many of the items were individually wrapped, making this a very nice present to gift.
More individually wrapped gifts.
Herbal Choice Mari Organic Hand & Body Lotion $27.99 This lotion is USDA certified organic, vegan, cruelty free, natural and chemical free. This is unscented and great to use to get rid of itchy, dry skin from chemotherapy and radiation.
Cornucopia Lavender Scented Epsom Salt $10.00 This is made of Magnesium sulfate and organic lavender essential oil. Just pour half the jar into the bathtub for a relaxing experience. If you are having a sitz bath, you can just use 1/4th of the jar.
Herbal Choice Mari Organic Mouth Wash $14.99 Like the lotion, this is USDA certified organic, vegan, cruelty free, natural and chemical free. This mouthwash is made of peppermint, fennel, thyme, and tea tree essential oils. The mouthwash will kill bacteria, but not burn your mouth or be irritating to canker sores. Before you use this, mix one capful of the mouthwash with water.
Cups $1.00 est You can use these cups to mix the mouthwash.
Cornucopia Organic Ginger Root Herbal Tea $7.50 This tea is made of Ginger Root, Organic Spearmint, Organic Lemon Balm, Organic Nettle leaf, Organic Dandelion leaf, Organic Raspberry leaf, Organic Oatstraw, Organic Alfalfa, and Organic Lemon peel, but it’s caffeine free. This tea is great if you are feeling queasy and is nice for digestion.
T-Sac 100 Tea Filters $5.56 You won’t need to go to the store for tea bags for your tea, this box includes 100 of them.
St. Claire’s Organics Tummy Soothers $4.65 These mints help combat dry mouth,, nausea, sore throat, and more side effects. Each one is made with organic molasses granules, organic sippery elm powder, organic essential oils of ginger, peppermint, cardamom, spearmint, cinnamon, anise, fennel and coriander.
Cornucopia En Bonne Sante $9.00 This roll on essential oil blend is a blend of frankincense, myrrh, lavender, rose, and vetiver. Just rub this on your wrists and smell to help you relax.
Final Thought: The total value of this box was $80.69, which is over $15.00 more than the cost of the box. Not only that, but the products were neatly wrapped! I thought his box was thoughtfully put together, and had a great value. Check out Cornucopia to check out their thoughtful gift packages.
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