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1Up Box June 2017 Review + Coupon – “Universe”

1Up Box June 2017 Review. Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.  I was sent this box for review.

1Up Box June 2017 Review

1Up Box is a geek and gamer box that is affordable and sends a cool selection of geek and gamer items.1Up Box includes something remarkable. something creative, and something unique.  Each month, 1Up Box will send 4-6 items for $19.92/month ($12.92 + $7.00 s +h).

The Details:

Cost: $12.92/month, $12.42/month for 3 months, $11.92/month for 6 months.

Coupon: Use this link with the code AWESOME, to get your first box for $9.92

Shipping: $7.00/month

What’s in the box? 1Up Box is a monthly swag distributor that offers something remarkable, something creative, and something unique in which all geeks and gamers can fancy.

1Up Box ships in a little green box.

First Look

Each box comes with a colorful information card.  The theme for June is “Universe”.

Steven Universe Plus Clip This box came with a character from Steven Universe.  You could receive Steven, Garnet, Pearl, Battle Steven, Lion, or Cookie Cat.

I received Battle Steven!

Mad Scientist Sticker There was a very large Rick and Morty sticker.  My 5 year old doesn’t watch the show, but he really likes the sticker.

Marvel’s Avenger 6 Color Pen I had a couple of these as a child and they were so fun. Each pen has 6 different colors you can select and write with.  The Avengers theme was popular with my 8 year old.

Space Alien Bracelet Space Invaders! I loved this game and this is something I will wear.

“Comic Strip Scientist” Exclusive T-Shirt The t-shirt this month features Rick and Morty again! I don’t watch the show, but I like the design of the shirt.

1Up Box June 2017 Review

Final Thought:  This month’s box featured Rick & Morty, Space Invaders, Avengers and Steven Universe. I really loved the bracelet and the pin the most. If you are interested in trying 1Up Box, click HERE and use the code AWESOME remember it’s only $9.92!

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