Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I received this box for review.
My Pretend Place is a subscription box for children 3-8, that encourages pretend, dress-up, learning and imagination. Previously, you were sent a random theme each month, but now you can choose your theme.
My Pretend Place‘s mission is to get children crafting, dressing up, pretending and using their imaginations! The Dress Up box is $50.00 every 3 month (quarterly) and comes in boy, girl or gender neutral. Each box will contain dress-up costumes, activities or crafts, and other pretend play inspiration. Every three months, you get a big box of goodies and the two off months, you get free bonus materials.
When you sign up for the dress up box, you can choose between 15 different themes. You can choose up to four themes at a time, and you will get the themes in order that you choose them. I choose the construction theme this month.
My Pretend Place ships in a large white box, that turns into a suitcase for your child's dress up outfits.
Every box comes with a handle and stickers, so your child can turn the box into a storage suitcase. There were three construction themed stickers to personalize the box.
There was a letter to my “Apprentice”, from Captain Bill Deeng. Each box comes with a letter to your child explaining the theme of the box and it gives suggested activities.
Melissa and Doug Construction Worker Roll Play Set My oldest has this outfit and it has gotten so much play. Each outfit comes with a construction vest, name tag, hat, hammer, googles and saw. My 4 year old has a tool chest he loves playing with, but doesn't have an outfit. I am saving this box for his Christmas and I know he will love it. He loves dressing up and is always pretending and using his imagination.
Dig, Dogs, Dig A Construction Tail This hardback book is about Duke, who runs a construction crew of dogs. The dogs are working on a project when they find something cool! This is a cute little story, perfect for my son.
This is a look in the book.
Construction Site Signs The first craft was for your child to make little signs for their construction products. My Pretend Place included some chalk and an eraser, so kids and create different signs.
Construction Cones The second activity was to make cones. There was a plastic cone mold included (see below) that was used to help makes the paper cones. While we have some plastic cones, this is a good activity to work on fine motor skills.
This is a look at the plastic mold.
Month 2
The second month activities ship in a white envelope.
There was a letter to the apprentice from Bill Deeng.
Construction Scene There was a sheet full of stickers and a scene to complete. We like saving these type of activities for restaurants and other times where we have to wait.
Gumdrop Construction Activity There was an information sheet about a fun building project your child can complete. You just need toothpicks and gumdrops for your child to create fun structures.
Month 3
Month 3 also comes in a little white envelope.
Like the previous months, there was a letter from Bill Deeng. This is the final month of the quarter.
Construction Ceremony To celebrate graduation, you can create a ceremony. You can make little construction cones and then go bowling with them.
At the ceremony, you can present your child with his/her certificate of completion.
Final Thought My 4 year old loves this subscription and so do I! My son is going to love opening this box on Christmas. He is at the age where he loves using his imagination. He constantly dressing up and running all over the house. If you want to My Pretend Place, use this link with the code playtime to save 20% on your first box of the dress up box or the craft subscription.
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