1Up Box October 2016 Review + Coupon – “Horror”
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I was sent this box for review.

1Up Box October 2016 Review
1Up Box is a geek and gamer box that is affordable and sends a cool selection of geek and gamer items.1Up Box includes something remarkable. something creative, and something unique. Each month, 1Up Box will send 4-6 items for $19.92/month ($12.92 + $7.00 s +h).
The Details:
Cost: $12.92/month, $12.42/month for 3 months, $11.92/month for 6 months.
Coupon: Use this link with the code AWESOME, to get your first box for $9.92
Shipping: $7.00/month
What’s in the box? 1Up Box is a monthly swag distributor that offers something remarkable, something creative, and something unique in which all geeks and gamers can fancy.
1Up Box came in a little green box.
First Look
The theme this month was “Horror”. There was also a button that went with the theme.
The information sheet had pictures and descriptions of everything in the box.
“Get Caught” Exclusive T-Shirt This is geek and Halloween all in one shirt! I love the graphics and that is a combination of multiple franchises. It’s already in my washing machine.
Zombie Tile Bracelet This is a great bracelet for The Walking Dead fans. The new season premiers tonight!
Here is a closer look at the bracelet tiles. The pattern repeats on the other side.
Ghost Bottle Opener I don’t know if I will use the bottle opener feature, but I think this Inky key chain is too cute!
Glow in The Dark Sticker This sticker really does glow in the dark. My 7 year old thought it was cool, so he stuck it on his door.
The Nightmare Before Christmas Jack Skellington Dorbz Vinyl Figure $6.99 Dorbz feature giant heads while representing cool figures. I have quite the vinyl collection, so this guy will fit in nicely.
Final Thought: This month’s 1Up box was filled with a cute mix of of horror themed items. I really loved the shirt and thought it was the best item in the box. If you are interested in trying 1Up Box, click HERE and use the code AWESOME remember it’s only $9.92!
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