Japan Funbox Mini July 2016 Review
Disclosure: This box was received for review purposes. This post contains affiliate links.

Japan Funbox Mini July 2016 Review
Hi all! It’s Kristi doing what I think is the first ever review for Japan Funbox! I love my guest reviews of snack boxes (as does my husband)! Let’s dive right in!
Japan Funbox is based in Osaka Japan and is a subscription delivery service that brings fun, cute, and crazy candy straight from Japan. Subscriptions start at $14.99/month. This subscription service is in its early days, but it looks good!
I received the Mini box, but there is also the Original box (the most popular), and the Family box.
The Details:
Cost and Plans:
- The Mini Box: $14.99/month 5-7 items in box
- The Original Box: $32.99/month 15-20 items in box (1 DIY and 1 Special Item such as a drink are guaranteed)
- The Family Box: $49.99/month 25-30 items in box (2 DIY’s and 2 Special items such as a toy are guuranteed)
Shipping: Shipping is FREE and they ship worldwide. You can cancel online anytime.
When am I charged? You are billed every month on the same day as your first order. (If you order on the 5th, you will always be charged on the 5th) Currently only PayPal is accepted as payment, but hopefully credit cards will be accepted soon.
When does my box ship? Order dates are the 1st-31st of the month, and the box arrives the second or third week of the following month.
The box looks fun!
First peek! Very nicely packaged.
A well-put together sheet of what is in the Fun and Original Boxes. I love these so I know what I’m eating!
Pizza Potato This potato chip is only in Japan. There is rich cheese on zig-zag cut thick potatoes. They were excellent. I tried them, and gave the bag to my husband…they were gone two minutes later!
Pretz Tomato Taste Special technology makes this crunchy outside and crispy inside….and they were also gone in two minutes because they were so good! They have a great sweet tomato and green vegetable taste!
Alfort Bite-size biscuits that combine rich milk chocolate and whole grain biscuits. These were a hit! I love the chocolate with the crunch of the biscuit!
Shuwabo This is a long, soft candy with bubbly powder on the inside. Orange and lemon flavor combine to create a coke flavor (it really did!!!) Yum!
Ume-pachi This combines a crackling burst of Ume (plum) candy and sour Ume (plum) granules. It’s basically like pop rocks! The flavor was ok, and the crackling was great!
Whistle Candy (Grape flavor) This is a very popular snack in Japan. There is a cute secret toy box (with a small plastic car inside), and kids love that you can put the candy in your mouth, blow, and it makes a whistling sound. They look hard, but the dissolve easily and taste great. I had a lot of fun whistling myself!
Final Thought I liked the box. It is on par with other Japanese snack boxes I have tried. Considering it is shipped free, it is a decent value. The only thing I was iffy on were the pop rocks. I like that they had two savory items, as that is usually my complaint….not enough salty stuff. I would definitely give it a try! To subscribe, just use this link.
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