Hue Monthly Colorful Relaxation June 2016 Review + Coupon
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I received this box for review.

Hue Monthly Colorful Relaxation June 2016 Review
Hue Monthly is a coloring and relaxing subscription box that sends 2-4 relaxation products, and a custom coloring book for $30.00/month. Hue Monthly makes boxes to gives you, “you time”. If you just want to color, you can get illustrations by email for $9.00 every other month.
The Details
Cost: $30.00 Every other month
Coupon: Use the coupon SBM10 to save 10% on your subscription.
What’s in the box? Each box contains 2-4 relaxation products, and a custom coloring book
Everything ships in a big brown box.
First Look
I was excited to check out what was in the box.
There was an information card with a list of everything in the box.
Tega Rooibos Estate Collection $6.99 This rooibos tea is caffeine free and a perfect accompaniment to an afternoon of coloring. This is described as having a light and fresh taste. While not a tea drinker myself, my husband will enjoy drinking this.
Forest Frairy Gardens Beeswaz Moisturizing Lip Balm $1.00 This lip balm is made with shea butter, coconut butter, aloe vera, beeswax,honey, and vitamin E. I enjoy having all natural lip balms on hand for my family. This is great lip balm and it was made in California.
Good Common Sense Hand Sanitizer $2.50 est This hand sanitizer has an natural/earthy smell and is safe for kids and adults. While hand sanitizer isn’t exactly relaxing, it will come in very handy. It even has a spray bottle top, so it’s easy to apply.
Bath Bomb Bizz Bath Bomb in Marjoram (Medium) $6.00 This bath bomb is safe for babies, kids and adults. This bath bomb is made with marjoram, which is part of the mint family. It reminds me a bit of sandlewood, but it’s a hard scent to describe. Bizz Bath Bomb says this can also be used for colic, bruises, pink eye, coughs, headaches and insomnia.
The Coloring Book: The features 24 thick pages of unique artwork. The theme for June is “Floral”. The pages are all spiral bound, which makes it easy to flip open a page and star coloring.
Here is a look at several pictures in the book
Coloring Pages Review: I found the pages to be nice a thick to accommodate various coloring mediums. I tried markers, colored pencils and crayons, and none showed through to the back. There were a variety of different pages to color, some with more details than others.
There were to coloring card to post to social media. If you color the first card (on the left). you can post to their Facebook page and be entered to win their monthly coloring contest. The other card can be given to a friend to give them a discount code on their box.
Final Thought: This was a nice box and I like that it was a combination of relaxation items and a coloring book. I did wish there was some sort of coloring materials included. Perhaps a large pack in the first box or new smaller materials each month. The total value of the non-coloring items was $16.49. I think the coloring book is worth more than $13.51, so I think this box is worth the price of the subscription. This is a great box to get a bit of “me time” each month. For an even better deal, you can use the code SBM10 to save 10% on your subscription. Remember, this box ships every other month, so the price works out to $15.00/month.
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