Okashi Connection May 2016 Sumo Box Review + Coupon
Disclosure: This box was received for review purposes.

Okashi Connection May 2016 Sumo Box Review
Hi all! It’s Kristi doing another guest review of one of my favorite things-a candy/snack box! Last month, there were a lot of good things that I was more impressed with! I’ve perused this month’s box and it looks like some more good stuff made it in. Let’s check it out!
Okashi Connection is a Japanese snack box that ships worldwide starting at $14.00/month. Each box is packed with about a pound of candy.
Okashi Connection changed their boxes and now there are three boxes to choose from: The Ninja Box, The Samuri Box, and The Sumo Box. I was sent the Sumo Box for review, which is the largest box.
The Details:
Cost & Plans:
- The Ninja Box: $14.00/month 5-7 snacks in the box.
- The Samuri Box: $22.00/month 9-13 snacks in the box.
- The Sumo Box: $33.00/month 14-18 snacks in the box.
Coupon: Click HERE to subscribe and use the code Boxmom to get $1.00 off your box.
Shipping: Shipping is FREE and they ship WORLDWIDE. They don’t ship to a few locations, click HERE to see a complete list.
When am I charged? Your card will be charged on the 30th (or last day) of the month.
When does my box ship? Boxes will be shipped within the next week after being charged, and they should arrive at your door within 1-3 weeks after that.
Website: http://okashiconnection.com/
It comes in a huge blue box….
and a nice pamphlet to tell you what you are eating (there is a front and back cover too)!
Hora, Dekita! Choco Banana DIY: If you have read my past reviews, I usually despise the DIY stuff….BUT, this one was awesome! There were six soft banana chews, a small pack of chocolate, a small pack of sprinkles, and a toothpick. I emptied the sprinkles in one side, the chocolate in the other, and dipped the chewy banana pieces in it. IT WAS SO GOOD! If all DIY’s were like this one, I’d love them!
Ichigo Choco Chip Cookies (Limited Edition!): These are pretty self-explanatory. Strawberry-flavored cookies with chocolate chips inside. The smell when opening it was so good, and they have just enough strawberry flavor. These should be a keeper!
Poteko Potato Rings: These are plain, salt flavored crispy little potato chip rings. These were very good too. Lots of good potato flavor with a hint of salt.
Touken Ramune: In a Katana designed package, you remove the sword from the sheath, open the perforated hole, and pour out the ramune (like carbonated soda from last month). A+ for creativity. The package was fun to open. The hard little candy balls were easily chewed and soda-like.
Karu Edamame: These are crisp, salty sticks with a strong edamame flavor (edamame are young soybeans still in the pod, which I didn’t know). These were AWESOME! The best I can describe is a crisp, salted green bean taste. Sounds strange, but it was wonderful!
Shokolantan (Limited Edition!): These are thin, crisp toffee squares topped with nuts and bits of orange (eight individually wrapped in box). I was excited when I pulled these out because they looked good! MMMM! Toffee and orange really taste good together! This is another I hope sticks around!
Pie No Mi Raspberry Cream Cheese (Limited Edition!): Once again, this one excited me based on the package! They didn’t disappoint! Little bites of light, flaky crust with raspberry and cream cheese filling.
Bake Crème Brulee (Limited Edition!): A rich flavor of crème brulee that is crisp on the outside and soft inside. These were excellent and melted in your mouth after the first bite!
Shiawase Pawprint Gummi: These are firm, peach flavored gummis. if you get a big pay inside, it’s good luck (no paw for me this time!). I love a good gummi and these fit the bill!
Nana-Iro Senbei: These are crunchy rice crackers with flavors such as shrimp, salad, salt, and seaweed. My only complaint is the package was too small! LOL!
Black Thunder Gold (New Release!): This is a bar with puffs and chocolate chunks inside a dark milk chocolate coating. It kind of tasted like a Mounds candy bar. (That’s a very good thing!)
Chocobi Cotton Candy: These are light, crisp puffs with a cotton candy flavor. I could have eaten the whole box, but will save these for my kids, who will love them! There was also a sticker inside.
Nomu-Nomu Sherbet Melon: I didn’t realize this needed to be frozen, so I’ll get back to you on the taste! After freezing, thaw slightly and squeeze into your mouth.
Dydo Umami Blend Coffee (Limited Edition): This can be served hot or cold, and is a deep, rich blend of coffee and milk. There was a little street fighter figure you could hang from the can. To be fair, I don’t drink coffee because I don’t like it. I did taste it, and can say my husband will love it!
Final Thought: This month’s box was excellent. Last month, I wanted more salty stuff and this month there were three salty items, so I was excited (thank you Okashi!). There was nothing I disliked! I hope some of the limited edition stuff comes back, as a lot of the box was limited items. My only suggestion this month is to have more than the minimum 14 items. It’s still a good value, but I think each box has only had 14 items, not 14-18 as a variation. If you want to Okashi Connection, click HERE to subscribe and use the code Boxmom to get $1.00 off your box.
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Thanks for the review!
A few things we’d like to throw out there:
-When you sign up, your subscription doesn’t have to start on the 30th of the month. You can start it any day you want and that day becomes your monthly payment day.
-We offer the option to buy boxes as one-time purchases for those who don’t want to do a subscription
-We also offer the option to use good ole Economy Air SAL or to use Japan Post’s premium Express Mail Service.
– We’re sorry to hear that you were disappointed with the item count. The 14-18 item range is a general guideline, but it’s important to remember that size and weight make a huge difference! This month’s box contained some big/heavy things and some high-value premium/limited items (like the drink with a toy), so while the count of items was 14, we didn’t skimp on the raw quantity of what everyone got! Same with last month’s box, which contained some really huge items (like the vanilla cakes). That month was also a 14 item number count, but was loaded down with the same typical high quantity of stuff!