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The 90’s Box March 2016 Subscription Box Review & Coupon

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.  I received this box for review.

The 90’s Box March 2016 Subscription Box Review

The 90’s Box sends a box of nostalgia from the 90’s, for $24.95/month plus s/h.  Each box contains 5 to 8 items from the 90s.  You could receive, art, candy, toys and more!  I was a child of the 80’s and 90’s, so I couldn’t wait to check out this box.

The Details

Cost: $24.99/month, $24.50/month for 3 months, and $23.45/month for 6 months.

Coupon: Use the coupon FRESH to get $5.00 off your 1st box.

What’s in the box? Each box contains 5 to 8 items from the 90s.

While a decorative box isn’t required, I always love getting a fun looking box.

Keeping with the fun, the box was sealed with a colorful sticker.

First Look

The information booklet is packed with information about all the products.  Everything is in full color.  I was really impressed with the time and effort went into the information book.

POG Starter Kit  My brother had POGs growing up and had quite the collection.  POG are believed to have started in Hawaii back in the 20s or 30s.  To play, each person contributes POGs and places them face down in a stack.  Each player takes turn using a slammer to hit the stack.  The POGs that land face up are that players, the rest are stacked back together.  The game continues till the POGs are all gone. The 90’s Box sent several bogs, a slammer and a POG tube.  The tube is a special perk for 1st month subscribers and more POGs will be sent out later.

Slap Bracelet I had these in middle school, my favorite was my New Kids on the Block slap bracelet.  You really had to give your arm a good slap to put these on.

Dino Dodge Ball  I loved dodge ball as a kid.  I really couldn’t throw the ball to save my life, but I was a fast, tiny thing, who was impossible to hit.  I was always the last one out on my team.  I just saw in my local paper there is an adult dodge ball game starting and I really want to try it out.

Super Mario World Figure – Donkey Kong  When I saw this, I thought it was from the game Donkey Kong (from the early 80’s), but this is from Super Mario World. My brother (same one with the POGs) loved Super Nintendo, so I will give this to him.

The Flintstones Pixi Stix  Any type of sugar filled container is still popular with kids.  The box included a fun fact about pixi stix.  They first were used in the 30s in a drink Frutola.  It was water and the sugar filled straw would turn it into a fruity drink.  My boys have seen this in the box and both have tried to get it.  Maybe I can use this to get some clean bedrooms.

Barrel O’ Slime So popular in the 90s and it was crazy popular with my boys.  I literally had to split this in half so both kids could play with it.  My 4 year old has even been asking several different days to play with it again!  I keep it put up when it’s not being played with, because I don’t want slime stuck to my carpet.

Light Up Yo Yo I still don’t think I can properly use a yo-yo.  I remember watching Tommy Smothers (From the Smothers Brothers) do his yo-yo act. I tried to do round the word once, and ended up with a bump on the head.

Tamagotchi This virtual pets were so popular.  I actually had a Nano Pet, which I believed was a bit cheaper.  All my friends had these on their key chains and we tried to see who could keep their pet alive the longest.

Candy Cigarettes These used to actually have a red tip to look like real cigarettes.  Once society realized that we shouldn’t market cigarettes to children, the red tip disappeared, and these became candy sticks.  I actually really like the taste of these, similar to the white conversation hearts.

Pop Rocks These were popular and helped fuel the urban legend that if you drink soda and eat these, your stomach will blow up.

Ring Pop If you had a special boyfriend in middle school, he usually gave you a ring pop.

Final Thought I loved this box and I really enjoyed sharing so many of the items with my kids.  This would be a really fun box to get every month and I look forward to finding out what they include every month.  I am now off to find a way to air up my dodge ball.  To subscribe to The 90’s Box, use this link with the coupon 90SKIDS to save $5.00.

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