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Nerd Block Classic May 2016 Spoilers + Coupon Codes

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Nerd Block Classic May 2016 Spoilers

May 2016 Nerd Block spoilers are staring to be released.  Nerd Block is a monthly mystery package delivered right to your door filled with nerdy apparel, toys, and collectibles!  Every box comes with a shirt, which is something Nerd Block Arcade is $19.99 a month, and you can sign up to get Nerd Block HERE and use the code CONTINUE to save $5.00 on your first box.

It’s the start of a new month and we’re throwing it back to the 80’s for May’s Classic Block!

Subscribe now to get an EXCLUSIVE item from Ghostbusters!

There will be items from Ghostbusters, Sixteen Candles and Back to the Future.

There will be exclusives from Ghostbusters, Rick and Morty, and Back to the Future

Spoilers List: You will get items from the following:

If you want to subscribe, here is are coupon codes!  The coupon will go in after the green confirm order button.

Get a Free Shirt with every subscription, PLUS use this link with the code SAVE15, to save 15% on your 1st month.

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