Bulu Box November 2015 Review + $5.00 Boxes for Life – Save 50%
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I received this box for review.

Bulu Box November 2015 Review
Bulu Box a vitamin and supplement sample box.Box includes various vitamins and supplements to help you lead a healthy lifestyle. Each box contains 4 to 5 premium samples plus lifestyle extras from time to time. There is a regular Bulu box and a weight loss Bulu Box.The Bulu Weight Loss Box was designed with the specific goal of weight loss in mind. Each box contains 4 to 5 premium weight loss items such as vitamin and supplement samples, fitness gear and healthy eating tools.
Bulu Box also has a great reward system. You can earn points easily to spend in the online store. Every 10 points equals $1.00. Your points will expire 90 days after you earn them. Here is how you earn points.
1. 50 Points: for each $10 Bulu Box in your month-to-month subscription
2. 50 points: Refer a Friend and get 50 points.
3. 20 Points: Fill out your user profile 3. 10 points: Refer your products in your box. You will have a min of 4 a month, so that is 40 points easily.
4. 1 Point: Earn 1 point for every dollar spend in the box.
If you fill out your reviews you can earn 90 points a month easily! That’s $9.00 for the store each month. A monthly subscription is only $10.00 a month, so this rewards system will make your first box better than free. Each month after, you will be basically paying a $1.00 for your box.
The Details:
Cost: $10.00 a month, $30.00 for 3 months,
Types: Regular Bulu and Weight Loss Bulu Box
Coupon: Bulu has a fantastic deal on their three-month subscriptions. Click HERE and use the coupon BULUFIVE to get a $5.00 off your 1st box and get every box for $5.00 for life.. When that code expires, click here and use the code BULUGAN751 to save 50% on a monthly, 3, 6 or 12 month subscription.
Rewards: You earn at least 50 points ($5.00) or more for reviewing products in your box. You can then use the money, to buy full size products of things in your box.
When am I billed? 5th of the month
When does my box ship? Around the 15th of the month
How do I cancel or pause? You can cancel by logging into your account or emailing [email protected]
Website: www.bulubox.com
Bulu Box includes inspiring words all over their box.
First Look
The information card has a list of everything in the box, a description and the retail price.
Bulu Box includes different promotional advertisements.
Energems $3.00 These candy coated pieces of chocolate that are made with caffeine, Vitamin D and B. They are free from artificial flavors, colors and preservatives.
AfterPartyPal $2.99 This is a pack of three pills designed to help prevent hangovers. I feel like Bulu includes these items frequently, so I guess Bulu thinks their subscribers like to drink.
Artex Topical Cream $2.16 This is made with natural ingredients to help with muscle/joint aches.
Erba Vita Propolis .73 You can use this when you feel a cold starting and it will help your respiratory system. I wish I had this two weeks ago!
Balance Bar $2.31 This double chocolate brownie bar has 14 grams of protein, 23 vitamins and minerals and will give you the energy you need.
DayClear One Shot Allergy Relief $2.00 This is dye free, suppresses coughs and has an antihistamine. If I didn’t have prescription cough medicine, I would use this right away. Between allergies and respiratory infections throughout the year, this will be used for sure.
Final Thought: This box had a total value of $13.19. I thought this was one of their better boxes in recent months. Everything in the box was useful (I probably won’t use the hangover pills) and there was a nice variety of items. Considering you can get Bulu Box for $5.00 and you can earn points to spend in the online store, I think a $13.00 value is pretty nice.
If you are interested in Bulu Box, you can use this link with the code BULUFIVE to save $5.00 on your 1st box and every box after. You can review all the items in your box each month and get $5.00 in dollars for the Bulu Store, since you are only paying $5.00 for the box, it’s like getting the box free.
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