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My Pretend Place August 2015 Play Projects Review + Coupon

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.  I received this box for review.

My Pretend Place August 2015 Play Projects Review

The Pretend Place Play Projects for August 2015 arrived and this month, and this month has a cooking theme.  My Pretend Place Play Projects is craft and play subscription box for children aged 3-8 years old. My Pretend Place also has a dress up box that is designed for 3-6 year olds.  You can read my Gender Neutral Dress Up Box review, which was a veterinarian themed box, which is my favorite box they have done.  You can also read the July 2015 Boy FIrefighter Box, which had a backpack/water hose!

The Play Projects Subscription box is $15.00/month and each box comes with 2 crafts to complete.  You get two of each craft, so this box is great for siblings or sharing with a friend. I am reviewing the August 2015 Play Projects Box.

The Play Projects box ships wrapped in brown paper, so you child can decorate the main box.

The box is plain white, perfect for you child to decorate with sticker, crayons, and anything else they wish.

The the goodies are wrapped in purple tissue paper.

First Look

There was a letter from Chef Brock O'Lee.  Your child has been invited to a cooking competition.  The goal of this project is for your child to decorate their hat and apron then head to their cooking station.  Included in the box was a handle, and stickers to decorate their box.

There were two sheets of instructions, one to decorate the apron and hat and the other is a recipe to make their own no-cook Play-Dough.  While making your own Play Dough sounds cool, we have 10,000 containers of PlayDoh, so I will likely let the boys use the aprons and hats to help them cook.

Aprons:  There were two aprons included to decorate.  These aprons have appeared in so many boxes lately, my boys have quite the collection.

Chef Hat aka Toque: My kids know the word toque from the movie Ratatouille.  These unroll to lay flat, which was a bit confusing at first,  You simply trim one side of the hat and the other side has adhesive to stick together the ends of the hat.

There were 6 crayons to use to decorate the hat and apron and a set of four cookie cutters to use with Play Dough, or making your own cookies.

This is what the finished suitcase looks like, my kids decided not to color it.

Coloring the hat.  It was rather tricky measuring the hat to cut to size, but we got it done.

Coloring the apron.  Since T colored the hat first, he didn't spend as much time on the apron.

The finished outfit.  Due to the flash, you can't see all the coloring on the hat, but it's there.

T's favorite part was the Play Doh!

Final Thought:  I thought this box was okay, but it wasn't my favorite.  My oldest doesn't love to color, so this box really wasn't his thing.  My youngest loves cooking and coloring, so he had fun.  Since last month's box was mainly a coloring project, I was hoping for something different this month.  Since I don't bake, I don't have flour for the project, which isn't big deal, but ingredients would have been more convenient.  The cookie cutters are nice and reusable for future projects/recipes.  My 3 year old had fun with this project, although he spent more time playing with Play Doh, than coloring.  If you want to try My Pretend Place, use this link with the code pretend to save 30% on your first box of the dress up box or the craft subscription.

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