The Total Beauty PINK Beauty Bundle has a $65.00 value and is only $25.00. You can save $5.00 by clicking HERE and using the code THINKPINK. There are 6 products: 3 Full Size, 3 Deluxe Samples. One of the products is the Advanced Care Me! Bath, full size, $40 value. “This tri-functional exfoliating sugar scrub is a revolutionary 3-in-1 formula that exfoliates, cleanses, & moisturizes. It is infused with the finest organic Jojoba Oil, known for its remarkable ability to stimulate the production of your body’s own natural emollients. “
When you buy the PINK Beauty Bundle by, you’ll be pampering yourself and supporting Breast Cancer Awareness. For every dollar you spend on PINK we will donate the same value worth of beauty products to Susan G. Komen Greater Cincinnati.
This bountiful bundle is packed with natural, organic products and features the Advanced Care Me! Bath tri-functional exfoliating sugar scrub. It’s the perfect package to make your mother, your friend or even yourself feel special.
Quantities for this do-good, feel-good beauty bundle are limited, so buy now and support the cause.
Use the code THINKPINK and get $5 Off the PINK Beauty Bundle
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