Pretty Fit August 2014 Review – The Bikini Pack
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I received this box free for review.
Pretty Fit is a subscription box helping you get or stay fit. Pretty Fit sends nutritional supplements for women, workout gear, and healthy snacks. They also include workout tips, recipes and other tips to get you fit. Each month, the box will be worth over $100.00. Each month has a new theme and you can skip any month you want. If you don’t want to subscribe, you can also buy packs individually. They also have a return policy! This month’s theme was The Bikini Pack
The Details:
Cost: $45.00/month ($55.00 without a subscription)
Shipping: Shipping is free for subscriptions, $4.99 for packs that are ordered without a subscription. Pretty Fit ships to the US only. They plan to expand to Canada and the UK soon.
What’s in the box? PrettyFit provides active women with the best nutritional supplements, healthy snacks, workout gear and more through monthly packs chosen by top fitness professionals. Expert trainers include their best workouts, recipes, and tips to maximize the benefit of the products inside every pack.
Do I get to see what’s in my box? From Pretty Fit “Yes, we do give you the option of checking out what’s inside the pack before we ship it to you! We send members a preview email of what we are sending out each month so they can check it out and see if it’s something they’d like. If you want to receive the pack we’ve selected for you, you don’t need to do anything and it will ship out around the 1st of the month. If you decide you do NOT want the pack we’ve selected for you, simply opt out of receiving that pack by the 23rd of the month and you will NOT be charged. You can opt out by clicking “opt out of this month’s pack†in your My Account section or by simply emailing [email protected].
When will I get my box? You first box will ship within 3 weeks of ordering. All subsequent packs will ship the 1st of the month.
How do I cancel? Email [email protected] to cancel.
Pretty Fit shipped in a plan brown box and came by USPS
First Look
I love information cards. I love a really detailed information card, that tells me details about products in the box. This one is filled with good stuff.
The inside of the book is a list of all the products in the box, When/How to use it and a Pro Tip. They also give the MSRP.
The back has workouts for your glutes and abs. I am excited to try this workout.
Pretty Fit Tote Bag: $9.95 This is a Pretty FIt exclusive, so I used their MSRP. This is a nice tote and seems pretty sturdy.
Nutra Key Shaker Bottle $6.11 This shaker bottle is perfect for protein shakes. There is a little ball inside that helps shake up the protein.
All the parts of the bottle.
Nunn All Day: $7.99. There are 15 tablets inside (flavor is grapefruit/orange). Each tablet has less than 8 calories and has vitamins A, B, C, D, and E. I have had these before, and they are pretty good. There was also a NLA bracelet.
Uplift Sample by NLA for Her: $5.00 This is it the flavor raspberry lemonade. You drink this in water
B-Lovely Sample by Skoop $2.99 You mix this with water and is promises to improve your skin. It is made with seeds, fruits, veggies, and Japanese Fleece Flower.
New Lower Sugar Protein Bar by Promax Nutrition $3.78 There are two bars in the flavor chocolate mint. I have never really liked protein bars, but I will give this one a shot. These have 18 grams of protein, up to 14 grams of fiber, less than 3 grams of sugar and no artificial stuff. I am hoping they taste like a Thin Mint, but that might be asking too much.
Essential Amin.o. Energy by Optimum Nutrition $6.00 : This is in the flavor green apple and it is a combination of caffeine and amino acids. This helps you power through a workout and helps you recover after.
Athletic Greens Samples $10.00 This is a green powder, which Pretty Fit says may not taste great. They gave a healthy recipe to help mask some of the unpleasantness. This is packed with vitamins, minerals, greens and other superfoods. There are also probiotics to help with digestion.
Mateft 7 Days Mini Teatox by MateFit $14.99: This is a 7 day detox. Let me start by saying I hate tea, so I am giving this to my husband. There are two packets of tea: Detox and Metabolic Boost. You drink the detox every other night after dinner and the metabolic boos in the morning and afternoon on an empty stomach.
Shred Her by NLA for Her $34.99 I was most excited to try this! This is an all natural fat burner designed to rapidly promote fat loss. I am loving the rapidly part! This gives you extra energy without jitters. They recommend combining this with healthy diet and exercise. This is a whole bottle which gives me plenty of time to try it. I have taken it one day and haven’t had any side effects, other than making me thirsty.
Final Thought: This box had a total value of $101.80. I really enjoyed this box and I am really hoping the Shred Her products work. The Amino Energy sounds really neat and I am excited to try the drink bottle. I loved there was such a wide variety of things to try, and there was plenty of samples of each item. I thought the workouts on the back of the information card were a great addition to the box. Pretty FIt really combined a great set of tools to help you get fit. I am inspired to try everything (except the tea, that’s for my husband) and hopefully, have great results! If you want to try Pretty Fit, click HERE.
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Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I received this box free for review. My opinions are my own.