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Healthy Surprise Chocolate Box – $25.00 Coupon

Healthy Surprise Chocolate Box

Healthy Surprise Chocolate Box

Healthy Surprise has released a chocolate box!  , the Healthy Surprise chocolate box.

From Healthy Surprise  “After years of curating the best snacks on the planet, we’ve put together an assortment of our absolute favorites. Our chocolate box features over 16 full size chocolate snacks and meets all of our strict ingredient guidelines. Inside you’ll find plenty of chocolate bars as you might expect. But you’ll also find chocolate macaroons, chocolate cookies, chocolate truffles – all kinds of chocolatey goodness. This is the box we wanted to take home … so we made it.”

16+chocolates 32+servings 1-6people

$100   $75.00  delivered Priority Mail with FREE shipping
Just click HERE to order and use the coupon code HEATWAVE!  This code is only valid this weekend!

Healthy Surprise is a healthy snack company.  Healthy Surprise sends a box full of healthy snacks a month.  All the foods in the box are Vegan, gluten free, soy free and all natural.  

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links

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