16 Minute Club Giveaway – Pre-Natal – Breastfeeding Subscription Box
16 Minute club is a monthly subscription service for breastfeeding moms. They send you what you need (education and products), right when you need it (based on baby’s developmental stage). Why 16 minutes? 16 minutes is the average length of a breastfeeding session. 16 Minute Club has given one box for a giveaway. Be sure to enter
My Breastfeeding Story: I was really excited to see a box to support breastfeeding. I have two boys and I breastfed them both, till they were each over 20 months old. I loved breastfeeding, but it wasn’t without challenges. My first struggles to maintain a proper latch and we faced other obstacles during our breastfeeding journey. I never went to any groups, because I am a shy person, and it seemed a bit scary, to be with a bunch of women I didn’t know. I relied on my mom, lactation consultants at the hospital and the internet to get me though the challenges. Once I had my second, I thought I was an “expert”. My son was born at 35 weeks and had to be in the NICU for a week. I faced new and scary obstacles trying to breastfeed a premie. Through my breastfeeding journey, it would have been great to have a monthly box, to help me with some of the challenges.
Here is where 16 minute club comes in. 16 minute club wants to make it easier for you to reach your breastfeeding goals and have the information and products you need on hand for each developmental stage your baby grows through. Their solution will be delivered to your doorstep every six weeks, starting at $35.00 per box. Never worry about not being prepared, the 16 Minute Club is here to help you one breastfeeding session at a time.
16 Minute Club was founded by Wendy Wright , IBCLC, Wendy is a a board certified lactation consultant. Wendy says “From the moment I breastfed my first baby I knew I wanted to share the experience with as many families as possible. As a board certified lactation consultant I have supported families in hospitals, clinics, support groups and one on one to achieve success. The 16 Minute Club is my way of continuing to help as many families as possible to breastfeed their babies.” The first month, you will get a beautiful binder to hold all the chapters you will receive. Each month you will receive a new chapter that goes with he age/development of your child. You will also get a box full of items that help support breastfeeding. The important part of this box is the support and education.
The Details:
Cost: $35.00 a month. Each month has a different theme.
Breastfeeding Goal 3 months (Boxes 1-3) $105.00.
Breastfeeding Goal 6 months (Boxes 1-6) save 5% $199.50
Breastfeeding Goal 12 months (Boxes 1-10) save 10% $315.00
What’s in the box? Every very six weeks as your baby develops and your breastfeeding relationship evolves, you’ll get a new chapter of the breastfeeding handbook. In your first box you’ll get a beautiful binder for organization and storage of your handbook chapters. You’ll also get educational items adapted by Wendy for the 16 Minute Club to assist you in overcoming obstacles common to the phase you are entering and you’ll receive supportive products selected by Wendy to enhance breastfeeding and baby’s ongoing development. The retail value of each box will be greater than the subscription price – please keep in mind – it is the information and education that will make all the difference in your breastfeeding success; products are there to assist you and make everything just a little easier or more fun.
When will I get my box? You should receive a box every six weeks based on baby’s due date or birthday – whichever you have provided in your profile page.
When am I billed? You are billed upfront for your subscription. You can buy 1 month at a time, or buy a multi month plan.
How do I cancel? Please call 16 minute club at 866-797-9538 to cancel your subscription. Please make sure to cancel at least 48 hours before the next planned shipment if you don’t want to get the next box. If you’re having trouble for any reason, email them at [email protected] and we’ll help you out.
Website: http://www.16minuteclub.com/
To read my review, click HERE.
In honor of Mother’s Day next month, 16 Minute Club has given one box for a giveaway. Be sure to enter below for a chance to win.
i like that there is a different variety of boxes to choose from.
My son was born at 34 weeks and we’re making nursing work but any support I can get is always awesome! This box sounds great!
I love that they introduce you to new products that I may not have heard of otherwise