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Kiwi Crate Holiday Crates: Little Christmas and Crafty Christmas and NEW Deals

It is no secret our family loves Kiwi Crate.  When I saw the Christmas crates, I had to buy them.  There are two Christmas themed Kiwi Crates. The first is Crafty Christmas, which gives you the materials to make “My Swirly Ornaments” and “My Gingerbread House”.  The second crate is Little Christmas, which gives you all the materials to make “Little Tree” and “Folding Ornaments”.  These are special crates that won’t come in a subscription.  They are $19.95 each and you can click HERE and use the code JOY5 to get $5.00 off your holiday crate.
Crafty Christmas
The Box
All the Holiday crates come in the same green boxes.
Information Card
There is an information card on top, that lets you know what crafts your child will make.
The back of the information card has characters to color.  You can cut them out and play with them in the box.  There is also a sticker to add to your child’s poster.  If you fill up the poster, you can email Kiwi Crate for a new poster (FREE).
My Swirly Ornaments
Kiwi Crate always included EVERYTHING you need for the projects (minus paper to protect your work surface. The ornaments are made of plastic, so no worries about breakage.
My Gingerbread House
Scrooge alert: I hate real gingerbread houses.  They are impossible to put together.  Kiwi Crate included everything for you child to make their own cardboard gingerbread house.  There were many embellishments and decorations included.  The great thing: less messy, no fatty calories, and no frustration compared to the real thing.
The Whole Box
This box was packed with stuff!
Swirly Ornaments
The ornaments were very easy to make.  Your child poured paint in each one, swirled it around and drained out the excess into cups when finished.  When it was dry, a ribbon and cork were put in place.
The directions
Kiwi Crate directions are always easy to follow
Draining the excess paint
The ornaments were turned upside down to drain the excess paint out.
The gingerbread house
 I didn’t get pictures of putting this together.  L and I did this together.  This took awhile to finish.  We completed it in two different days.  This let the glue set from different parts.  The finished product looked fantastic.  I had trouble getting the candy canes to stay where I wanted, so I cheated and used hot glue for that part.
Finished Craft Christmas
I loved how these projects turned out.
Little Christmas
*Blogger Fail: I thought I took pictures of all the supplies, but I didn’t.  The box came with many supplied to make a little Christmas tree and folding ornaments.
Little Christmas Tree
I helped L with the branches, they were a little tricky for him.  L loved putting on the beads and decorating the tree.
L cut out a circle from felt and painted it to make the tree skirt.  Pom poms were glued to blocks to make presents.
Folding Ornaments
There were four folding ornaments to decorate.  L colored each one and placed shape stickers on to decorate.


Kiwi Scene
While we get many Kiwi Crates, L usually doesn’t color and cut out the characters.  This box, L decided to do it.  Lucas had fun playing with the playground.
Finished Ornaments
The ornaments turned out great
Finished Little Christmas
Final Thought:  L and I had a fantastic time completed these boxes.  L’ favorite projects were the Christmas Tree and the swirly ornaments.  The swirly ornaments looked professionally made.  I posted them on Facebook, and I had friends who thought I bought them.  They would make great Christmas presents for family members from your little one.  If you want to buy one of the holiday crates, click HERE and use the code JOYS to save $5.00.
New and Current Kiwi Deals
1.  Save $5.00 on Holiday Kits.  Use the code JOY5.
2.  Earn Kiwi Cash when you buy a new subscription
Click HERE or the picture below, and use the code MERRY
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