Subscription Box Deals and Coupons
I have 3 great deals to share with you!
1. Green Kid Crafts Green Kid Crafts has released their Holiday Box. This comes with everything for your child to make their own felt Gingerbread House and make their own paper mache ornaments. Click the picture below and use the code holidaybox to save $5.00 and get free shipping.
2. Julep Friends and Family Sale Save 50% on everything in the Julep store with the code GOCRAZY. Note: This won’t work in the Secret Store for Mavens. They have some really cute stuff.
3. WhimseyBox is having a big sale this weekend. Just click the picture to order.
- Save $10 on a 3 month subscription with code NOV10 (Originally $45, just $35 this weekend!)
- Save $15 on a 6 month subscription with code NOV15 (Originally $90, just $75 this weekend!)
- Save $25 on a a 12 month subscription with code NOV25 (Originally $165, just $140 this weekend!)
Don’t forget to enter the giveaway for 3 months of WhimseyBox. Just click HERE
Disclaimer: This post contains referral/affiliate links.
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Friday, November 1st, 2013 by
Subscription Box Mom